After installing TeamCity with SQL Server, I created a TeamCity project with build configuration. Here are the steps for creating a TeamCity project.

Create a Project

Since I didn’t have an existing project in TeamCity, it gave me a prompt to create a new project on the TeamCity home page.

TeamCity Homepage
TeamCity Homepage

I added a project name and description then clicked the save button.

TeamCity Project Name and Description
TeamCity Project Name and Description

Next, I clicked on the “add a build configuration” link.

Add a Build Configuration

I added a name and description for the build configuration. I chose to use the default build number format .

TeamCity Create Build Configuration
TeamCity Create Build Configuration

Version Control Settings

TeamCity Version Control Settings
TeamCity Version Control Settings

I needed to create and attach a VCS root.

TeamCity New VCS Root
TeamCity New VCS Root

I selected Git as the Type of VCS, gave it a name, set the Fetch URL, the Default branch, and Authentication Settings.

TeamCity Git VCS Root
TeamCity Git VCS Root

It’s worth noting the “Changes Checking Interval” is globally set to 60 seconds by default. You can change the global server value or override the value in the VCS Root settings, build configuration settings, or build trigger settings.

Build Steps

TeamCity New Build Step
TeamCity New Build Step

I added a Visual Studio solution runner type build step, added a Step Name, set the Solution file path, the Visual Studio version, the build configuration and build platform.

TeamCity Visual Studio Build Step
TeamCity Visual Studio Build Step

Build Triggers

The last step is to add a new Build Trigger.

TeamCity Build Triggers
TeamCity Build Triggers

I added a VCS Build Trigger to trigger a build on each check in. I chose to trigger a build on each check-in versus grouping them by committer.

TeamCity VCS Build Trigger
TeamCity VCS Build Trigger